modification day

Admissions info_ Graduate & Professinal school

To foster creative and talented students who will lead the era of globalization, Pusan National University has put in place a special undergraduate school admission scheme for Koreans abroad and foreign nationals. Overseas Koreans (children of Koreans abroad, children of civil servants working abroad, children of parents who are studying abroad, and others who meet the qualifications) as well as foreign nationals whose parents are both foreign nationals (excluding overseas Chinese) can apply for admission.

 Application period :Fri. Apri. 15, 2011-Fri. Apr. 29, 2011 ~ 6 pm,

 all applicants should apply on the internet. Application by mail or visit will not be accepted.
How to make an internet application
 For further information about internet application : (tel) 82-2-1544-7715, (fax) 82-2-722-5453,
 Acceptance of applications shall be acknowledged only when application fees are paid by
6 pm of the deadline.
 The application number should be jotted down as it will be needed for the inquiry about admitted applicants and other purposes.

 Document to be submission

- by mail : Fri. Apri. 15 - Fri. Apri. 29, 6 pm
- by personal submission :Tues. Apri. 26-Fri. Apri. 29, 9 am-6 pm
 Please note that the applicants whose required documents fail to arrive at Office of Admission by the deadline can be treated as unsuccessful candidates without further notices.

 Announcement of Admitted Applicants and print-out of the certificate :

Scheduled for Tues. Jun. 7, 4 pm
 The admission certificate should be printed out and kept(necessary for alien registration).

 Forwarding of Certificate of Admission :
Fri. Jun. 10, 2011
 The Certificate of Admission will be sent to the addresses appearing in the application form and therefore the addresses should be filled up correctly including the postal codes.(When the addresses are Chinese ones, they should be written in Chinese.)

 Print-out of cash registration fee bill
: Fri. July. 1, 2011, 10 am -

 Cash registration
- Direct payment in Korea : Wed. July. 6, 2011 - Fri. July. 8, 2011, Designated banking facilities on theregistrationfeebill
- Remittance from abroad : Wed. July. 6, 2011 - Thu. July. 14, 2011, Nonghyup Pusan National University Branch
 Admission will be cancelled when an applicant fails to pay registration fees in the bank within the registration period.

 Submission of degree certificate(the original)
:by Wed. Sep. 7, 2011, 9 am - 6 pm,Office of Admission(except holidays)
 An applicant who has been admitted by our school but has not yet received a degree from his or her foreign college should obtain and submit a certificate of degree by March 9 without fail. Such an applicant must note that when he or she fails to do so for no particular reason, his or her admission can be cancelled.
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