. 1981.2 BSc., Department of Architectural Engineering, Pusan National University
. 1983.2 MSc., Graduate School, Pusan National University
. 1990.8 Ph.D., Graduate School, Pusan National University
Architectural history/Architectural planning
. 1986. 8-1988. 9 : Instructor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sunchon National University
. 1988. 10-1992. 9 : Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sunchon National University
. 1992. 10-1995. 8 : Associate Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering, Sunchon National University
. 1996. 3-2001. 3 : Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Tongmyong University Of Information Technology
. 2001. 4-2004. 2 : Professor, Department of Architecture, Tongmyong University Of Information Technology
. 1996. 3-1997. 5 : Dean of Academic Affairs, Tongmyong University Of Information Technology
. 2001. 1-2002. 8 : Dean of Teaching Affairs Department, Tongmyong University Of Information Technology
. 2002. 3-2004. 2 : Dean of School of Architecture, Tongmyong University Of Information Technology
. 1998. 5-Now : Busan Cultural Committee
. 2004. 3-Now : Busan Dongnaegu Office Cultural Design Advisory Board
. 2006. 1-Now : Executive Director, Korea Institute of Architectural History
2002. 5 : Education Minister Award
2009. 11 : Songhyeon Best Article Award, Society of Architectural History
Academic Society
Member, Architectural Institute of Korea
Member, Korean Association of Architectural History
Member, Korean Institute of Interior Design
ㆍTranslation, Pioneers of Modern Design, Nikolaus Pevsner, Dashin Technology Publishing Co., 1986. 5
ㆍTranslation, Architectural Graphics, C. Lesile Martin, Daewoo Publishing Co., 1987. 9
ㆍSuncheon's Cultural Heritage-Suncheon's Traditional Architecture, Local Cultural Series Vol 1. Sunchon National University Museum, 1992. 2
ㆍGwangyang's Cultural Heritage-Gwangyang's Traditional Architecture, Local Cultural Series Vol 3, Sunchon National University Museum, 1993. 3
ㆍHistory and Culture of 全羅左水營-Restoration Study on 全羅左水營, Local Cultural Series Vol 4, 1993. 12
ㆍBeomeo-sa, Colorful Books Series Vol 154, Daewon Publishing Co., 1994. 4
ㆍ伽倻建築, Geulsarang Publishing Co., 1995. 3
ㆍInterior Architectural Graphics, Kimoondang, 1997. 2
ㆍ順天市史-Structure and Characteristics of Traditional Houses in Suncheon Region, Suncheon's History Compilation Committee, 1997. 3
ㆍAndong 君子里; The Nature of Cultural History, Towoo Publishing Co, 2000. 3
ㆍKorean Architectural History 2 -Theories and Issues, Balun Publishing Co, 2003. 5
ㆍArchitecture of 君子里 -後彫堂 and 濯淸亭, Laboratory of Architectural History of Pusan National University, 2004. 2
ㆍ2006 Study on City of Busan(Research Trends and Challenges of community activism of Busan Region), Center of Study on City of Busan, Busan Development Institute, 2006. 12
ㆍHistory and Culture of Bokcheon-sa-Comprehensive Maintenance Plan of Garam of Bokcheon-sa, Center for Korean Studies, KyungSung University, 2008. 2
Articles in National Academic Journals
ㆍA Study on the Construction of the Kiroso Wondang is Songkwang sa,Vol 5-7, 1989, 12
ㆍA Study on the Site Layout of Hunguk-sa in Yeocheon, Vol 8-9, 1992. 10
ㆍA Study on the Constructions of Nungchim Temples in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty, Vol 14, 1998. 3
ㆍA Study on the Wooden Building Material of Hangang Riverbank in the Second Half of Chosun Dynasty, Vol 16, 1998. 9
ㆍA Study on the Estimated, Executed Cost of Woodwork in the Construction of the Kyongwoon Palace, Vol 32, 2002. 12
ㆍA Study on Hoojo-dang in Gunja-ri, Yeaan, Vol 32, 2002. 12
ㆍA Study on the Constructional Intention and Aesthetic Consciousness in the Architecture of Tongdosa Jajang-temple, Vol 32, 2002. 12
ㆍConstructional Activities by the Buddhist Craftsmen of Bumeo-sa at Dongrae Province in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty, Vol 35, 2003. 9
ㆍAn Influence of Japanese Culture on F. L. Wright′s Organic Architecture, v.20 n.12, p.159-169/ 2004. 12
ㆍA Study on the Construction of Dongrae Eupsung in 1731, v.21 n.3/ p.81-91/ 2005. 3
ㆍA Study on the Construction of Jeonju and Daegu Eupsung
-Especially on the new systems and the constructional methods of castle-, Vol. 206, p.225-234 / 2005. 12
ㆍA Study on the Construction of Gooseong-Upseong in the Period of King Sookjong, Vol. 8-1, p.1-10 / 2006. 2
ㆍActivities of Regional Yoohyang and Craftsmen in the Constructions of Dongnae-Hyangyo, 2006. 6
ㆍThe Contracting Method and Monopolistic Aspects of Japanese Contractor in the Construction Promoted by Japanese Government-General in Korea, 2006. 9
ㆍA Study on the Architecture of Military Buddhist Temples(Seungyoung-sachal) at Mountain Fortress in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty, 2006. 11
ㆍA Study on the Ikgong Style Architecture at Busan Province in the Late Joseon Dynasty
-A Restorative investigation of Dongnae-bu Government Office-, 2006. 12
ㆍA Study on Construction Contract Bid-rigging during the Japanese Colonial Rule, 2007. 4
ㆍA Study on the Organization and Officials of the Architectural Bureau attached to Chosun Governor-General, 2007. 6
ㆍA Study on the Restoration of the Dongun district at Dongrae-bu, 2007. 10
ㆍA Study on Japanese Architectural Craftsmen and Tools in the Constructions of Choryang-weagwan,
-Focusing on the Repair of Dongwan-samdaechung in 1727- , 2007. 12
ㆍA Review on the Reconstruction of Jeonju Eupsung during the early years of King Young-Joe, 2008. 1
ㆍGroping Tendency on the Systems of Castle After Introduction <Jixiao-Xinshu>, 2008. 10
ㆍA Study on the Role of Wal Posts in Pit-Houses, 2009. 1
ㆍA Study on Yeongyeok-boojang, the Responsible Executioner in the Construction of Palace at the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty, 2009. 2
ㆍA Study on Paejang System for the Constructions of Castles in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty, 2009. 9
ㆍA Study on the Construction of Poongkyung-Palace at Pyongyang in 6th Year of Kwangmu, 2009. 12
ㆍA Study on the Architectural Form for the Restoration of Boje-roo in Beomeo-sa, 2009. 12
Conference Papers
ㆍA Study on Hoojo-dang and Takcheong-jeong in Gunja-ri,, 2000. 11
ㆍHistory of Busan, Architecture of Busan ,2005. 10
ㆍA Study on the Characteristics of Traditional Wooden Architecture at Dong-nae Province in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty ,2005.10
ㆍA Study on the Architecture of Hyangkyos at Dongrae Province in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty ,2005.10
ㆍA Study on the Architectural Characteristics of Baekinjae at Nae-ap in Andong ,2005. 11
ㆍA Study on Construction Contract Bid-rigging during the Japanese Colonial Rule ,2005.11
ㆍThe Foundation Year and Architectural Characteristics of Baekinjae at Nae-ap in Andong ,2005. 11
ㆍHyangkyo Buildings and the Architectural characteristics at Dongrae Province in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty ,2005. 11
ㆍA Study on the Ik-kong Style of Traditional Wooden Architecture in Dong-nae Province ,2006. 5
ㆍGroping Tendency on the Systems of Castle After Introduction《Jixiao-Xinshu》 , 2006. 5
ㆍA Review on the Reconstruction of Jeonju Eupsung during the early years of King Young-Joe ,2006. 5
ㆍA Study on the Architecture of Poongkyung-Palace ,2006. 11
ㆍA Study of Reconstruction of the Traditional Govenment Office Building of Dongrae in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty ,2006. 11
ㆍA Study on the Construction of Dongrae Eupsung in 1871 , 2006. 11
ㆍA Study on the Location and Architectural Feature of the City Hall Building in 1936 ,2006. 12
ㆍA Study on the Traditional Govenment Office Building of Dongrae ,2006. 12
ㆍA Study on the Timber Supply of the Government Managed Buildings under Japan’s colonial rule of Korea , 2006. 12
ㆍThe land expropriations throughout Jinhae bay Region grounded on Japan military build up an artillery position ,2006. 12
ㆍA Study On Japanese Architectural Technicians In Constructions Of Choryang-Weagwan ,2006. 12
ㆍA Study on the Construction and the Characteristics Transition of Poongkyung-Palace ,2006. 12
ㆍA Study on the Construction of Palsang-dokseong-nahan-jeon in Beomeo-sa at 1905 , 2007. 12
ㆍA Study on the Characteristic of Architecture in Traditional Temple at Busan , 2007. 12
ㆍA Study on Yeongyeok-boojang, the Responsible Executioner in the Construction of Palace , 2008. 5
ㆍA Study on the Buddhist Temple plan and in Busan , 2008. 5
ㆍA Study on Paejang System for the Constructions of Castles in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty ,2008. 11
ㆍA Study on the Architectural Form of Boje-roo in Beomeo-sa ,2009. 5
ㆍA Study on an Actual Survey of Boje-roo in Beomeo-sa ,2009. 11
ㆍA Study on the Constructional Records and Architectural Type of Jangan - sa' s Daeoong - jean in Gijang , 2009. 1
International (Overseas) Conference Papers
ㆍThe Construction and Architectural Characteristics of the Wondang Temples in Chosun Dynasty ,
Theses for Degrees
ㆍA Study on Restoration of Songgwang-sa in Sunchon, 1983. 2
ㆍA Study on the Construction of the Wondang Temples in Chosun Dynasty ,1990. 8
Research Reports
ㆍSunchon National University Comprehensive Development Plan(1988-1992), Sunchon National University, 1987. 12
ㆍThe way for the Development of Sunchon National University, Kit for the University Development Seminar hosted by National Council of University Development, 1989. 6
ㆍArchitecture of Heungguk-sa in Yeocheon, Sunchon National University, 1991.6
ㆍStudy on the Construction of the Royal Tomb Buddhist Temple of Chosun Dynasty, Korea Research Foundation Research Report, 1991. 3
ㆍComprehensive Feasibility Studies for The Campus Movement of Sunchon National University, Sunchon National University, 1992. 3
ㆍSunchon National University 5 Years Development Plan(1992-1996), Sunchon National University, 1992. 4
ㆍConstructional Activities by the Buddhist Craftsmen in the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty, Korea Science Foundation Research Report, 1993. 2
ㆍGaya Architecture's Locality, Institute of Industrial Technology, Pusan National University, 1994. 11
ㆍResearch on the Selection of Candidates for the Suncheon City Hall, Institute for Regional Development, Sunchon National University, 1995. 5
ㆍAndong Naeap-Village Baekinjae Field Measurement Report, Laboratory of Architectural History of Pusan National University, 2004. 9. 11
ㆍYangsan Hyanggyo Field Measurement Report, Laboratory of Architectural History of Pusan National University, 2004. 12
ㆍReport of the Modern Cultural Heritage Cataloging Project, Busan Metropolitan City, 2005.2
ㆍTongyoung Old Youth Center Field Measurement Report, Tonyoung City, 2005
ㆍChungryeol-sa Maintenance and Operations Plan, 2007. 10 ~ 2008. 1
ㆍReport of the Research Services on Ssangbyeoklu in Yangsan, 2009. 3
ㆍMaintenance and Park Project of the Yeonsan-dong Tombs, 2008. 12 ~ 2009. 3
ㆍComprehensive Maintenance Plan for the Beomeo-sa, 2009.4 ~ 2009.12
ㆍRediscovery of Architectural Culture-on the 慈藏庵 and Korean Architecture, Art Busan, Spring 1999
ㆍKorean Architecture and Hieropani of Rocks, Annual How Vol 6, How Engineering Co., 2004
ㆍTraditional Architecture as Reality, Architecture Essay, Architects News No.59, 2004. 4. 8
ㆍCultural Heritage Commentator Education-Temples in Busan Region, Busan Metropolitan City, 2004
ㆍCultural Heritage Commentator Re-education-Busan's Wooden Architecture, Busan Metropolitan City, 2005
ㆍRequiem for SungRyeMun, Architecture Essay, Architects News, 2008. 3. 7